Hi, I’m Dana Haynes
Thanks for stopping by.

If you want to learn how to master your Macintosh computer you’ve come to the right place. If you feel like you are not getting the most out of your Mac, I’ll show you how to get it operating properly and give you some amazing tricks, tips and short cuts that will actually make you laugh. I’m not kidding!
I can’t tell you how many people see demonstrations of things that are built right into their Macs, that they never knew existed, and they literally shake their heads and laugh with surprise! That’s what I love about producing my video lessons. I love empowering people with tools and technologies that make their lives more fun and more meaningful. And, I’ve been doing it for 20 years! I originally made these lessons for my mom and now they are available for the entire world! What a time we live in!
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Way Beyond Email
If you are just using your computer for reading email, looking at Facebook or browsing the web, you may be in for a huge shock as you discover that you can boss your computer around with your voice, chat with loved ones face to face via iChat… no matter where they are in the world, and even run a million dollar business from your desktop. What are your dreams? How can I help you reach them, using this amazing technology? It’s what I love to do! With this in mind, I thought I might take a few minutes and tell you a little bit about me and how I have arrived at this happy place in my life.
About Dana Haynes
I grew up loving technology in Dayton, Ohio. In every sense of the word, I am a Midwesterner. I was transplanted to South Florida (Miami area) in 1983, but Ohio is home. As I said, I have been an Apple consultant for more than 20 years now, and as part of that discipline, When I developed a bunch of Macintosh lessons for my Mom, I discovered… it’s a lot of work! Being an economizing Buckeye, it made sense to offer these lessons to the general public as well. Since Mom loved ’em, I knew others would too.
Launch and Relaunch!
With absolutely no experience in the online world, I launched Accularian.com in 2006. I got some great marketing help from The Buyer Group, a PR firm in South Florida and we gained about 100 subscribers pretty quickly. In those days, I assumed that if I built it, they would come. They came, but they quickly left because there was nothing new to offer after the initial launch. That was OK. I got some really amazing experience and I was just beginning to homeschool my daughter. Frankly, I had no time to do anything else so I just let the site sit. In addition to homeschooling, I maintained a full time consulting job. When you homeschool, you have a freedom that let’s you take your kid with you to your clients. She gets real world entrepreneurship training and my clients loved to see her and got to know her as the “vice-president in charge of charm!” My wife, April worked a grueling, thankless job at a big-box office supply store. During this time and life went on, and on, and on.
Fast forward to 2013. My daughter is older and my wife is now free from that awful job that had an insidious hold on both of our daily activities. We could not even schedule a simple weekend away because they always “needed” her. She had the demanding job, but we were both shackled by it.
“She’s Outta There!”
In November of 2013, April finally left the soul sucking job! Now, for the first time in our lives, we are free! We now have ton’s of time to devote to our own online businesses. She has a rapidly growing Amazon business and I am busy producing valuable content for Accularian, while supporting clients and their technologies through the internet and via phone. It’s an absolutely amazing experience for us; as we see what life, in this information age, and earning an income online is really all about.
A Mac for All Seasons
Our Macs are an extremely powerful tools. They help us communicate, build relationships, memories and so much more. What you may not know is that your Mac also has the power to take verbal commands from you, write letters by dictation, run every light and appliance in your house and save you tons of money in doing so. I am using all of this technology and just waiting for the right people to share it with. I estimate that I am saving about $100.00 per month in electricity by using my Mac to run a small modest home. You can do this too and best of all, you already have the most expensive component of your own home automation system, the Mac. From there, you can build an amazing system piece by piece for just a few dollars.
My Macintosh, running Indigo Home Automation software, tells me the weather, reads the Bible verse of the day each morning, tells us where our spouse is based on iPhone locations and a lot more. This is the power of a “SmartHome.”
Made on a Mac!
In addition to Home Automation, you should know that all of the video, audio and web materials you see here at Accularian are produced on an iMac and a Macbook Air. I am writing this as I sit outside, under starlight, and posting it via wireless internet to the world. You gotta understand how absolutely amazing this all is for this kid from Ohio!
When you consider the possibilities of what you can actually do with a little imagination and technology, it’s pretty thrilling. The problem comes when it feels like there is an absolute mountain of information to sift through in order to accomplish some of the simplest things or learn something that would help us fulfill our dreams. That’s what Accularian is for. I distill this information and get it to folks who love to dream and love technology. Come join us and let’s have a blast together.
Get started!
Join us. Share your ideas. Tell us what you want to learn and we will get on it. The sky is not the limit, it our imaginations! Let’s do what Walt Disney told us to do, “Keep moving forward!”
What to Do Next
Well, that’s a little about me, my family and my business. Tell me how I can help you. You can email me by clicking this link: Contact Dana or better still. Get started watching some FREE videos!
Click the Golden Seal at the bottom of this page to get your FREE TRIAL of Accularian. After that, I hope you will sign up for all the great lessons I offer. They are affordable, fun, and family friendly so you’ll want to get the kids involved too. Let me know what you think or what you might want to learn next. Most importantly… keep moving upward and….